Disease Surveillance Programs
Our large animal vets are all trained to perform disease surveillance testing including Brucellosis and MAP Johns testing as part of government programs run by PIRSA. These programs provide buyers with assurance that accredited flocks are considered disease free and provide sellers with access to restricted markets.
Brucellosis is a serious disease affecting the reproductive capability of rams. It is highly infectious and can significantly reduce lambing percentages and lead to large replacement costs as affected rams must be culled. Further information on the disease and on the Brucellosis accreditation Scheme is available at pir.gov.au.
Johnes Disease
Johnes disease affects cattle, sheep, goats and alpacas. It is caused by a bacterium and leads to long term diarrhoea and wasting with significant production losses. PIRSA has different programs that aid in the monitoring and detection of the disease and these are specific to each species.
For more information, please contact the clinic on 8566 2301.